AI-powered tools to streamline and scale data annotation

Our intuitive editor tools makes manual annotations and reviews a piece of cake. Use our automation features to drastically reduce manual workloads.

How it works

Optimize human orchestration and improve ML workflows

Pivot precious human time from drawing new labels to reviewing automated ones.


Multi-functional annotation tools, all in one platform.

  • Classification
  • Object detection
  • Segmentation


Customise review workflows to ensure maximal quality.

  • Per-label reviews
  • Easily resolve label conflicts
  • Monitor annotator quality statistics


Automate annotation & review to save human time.

  • Quality assurance automation
  • Model-assisted labeling
  • Object tracking & interpolation

Annotate, collaborate, and automate

Manage massive-scale labeling operations for computer vision.

Flexible tools

Our software supports a wide variety of visual modalities. Our editor tools facilitate efficient drawing, editing, and reviewing annotations.

Automated image and video labeling

Use our object tracking & interpolation features to reduce costs. Use micro-models to accelerate your active learning workflows and get to production faster.

Configurable ontology

Create arbitrarily rich nested labeling structures accommodating all label modalities in one place.


Construct customised label review workflows to ensure the highest label quality standards possible.

Workforce integration

Maintain maximal flexibility by scaling your annotation teams to arbitrarily large sizes through our workforce partners.


Visualise the breakdown of your labels in high granularity to get precise estimations of your label quality, annotation efficiency, and model performance.
Uses platform

Reduce ambiguity

Clearly defined label structures reduce annotator uncertainty leading to higher quality results. Real-time resolution of label conflicts result in high workforce utilisation.

Flower segmentation

Accelerated manual annotation

Simple, easy-to-use, and flexible drawing tools. Turbo-mode to quickly assign attributes to labels. Automated task distribution & navigation.

A powerful platform for annotation teams