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SAM 2 for Video: How to Fine-tune On Your Data

Wed, Sep 25, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM BST
Meta released their latest Segment Anything Model, SAM 2, last month and it's impact on labeling images was instantly recognised. But where SAM 2 truly thrives is video annotation; teams are seeing 8.4x speed improvements. Join the Encord Machine Learning team, to learn how to use SAM 2 and fine-tune it for YOUR data. Key topics: Utilising SAM 2 for accelerated video tracking How to fine-tune SAM 2 on your domain-specific data A live-demo of SAM 2 video tracking being used on real-world data Teams using SAM2 for video annotation are seeing significant reductions in annotation time and cost - Don't miss this chance to learn how to accelerate your labeling processes and get your models to production faster!
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Frederik Hvilshøj
Frederik Hvilshøj
Machine Learning Lead
Alex Bonnet
Alex Bonnet
ML Solutions Lead
Featured webinar

Drowning in Data? How To Curate Your AI Data At Scale

Thu, Aug 22, 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM BST
Are you finding it challenging to manage and visualize vast, complex datasets spread across various systems? Join our webinar to discover how leading AI teams are transforming petabytes of unstructured data into labeled, actionable datasets, optimized for training multimodal AI models. Key topics: Gain full visibility into your data and associated metadata Leverage smart data curation capabilities like semantic search and automatic cleansing Improve model performance by including edge cases and removing noisy data Shorten model iteration cycles to deploy production-ready AI faster Don't miss this chance to learn how to find your best data!
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Eric Landau
Eric Landau
Niko Buhl
Niko Buhl
Product Lead

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