Encord IndexNew
Find the right data to power your AI models
Unify multimodal data from all local and cloud data sources to one platform for in-depth data management, visualization, search and granular curation.
Encord IndexNew
Find the right data to power your AI models
Unify multimodal data from all local and cloud data sources to one platform for in-depth data management, visualization, search and granular curation.
Unify data management across multiple teams and data modalities
Centralize your unstructured data with ease and eliminate the need to build fragmented traditional and vector database infrastructure. Eliminate over half of the time spent on data cleansing and preparation.
Self-host data or connect to AWS, GCP, Azure, Oracle, or OTC cloud storage in a few clicks and access all nested files instantly.
Leverage Role Based Access Control to enable organization-level user management.
Manage and explore multimodal data including image, video, DICOM and audio to efficiently prepare exactly the right data required for your AI model.
Built for scale
Explore & curate billions of data points at scale with ease
Leverage granular filtering, sort and search using quality metrics, custom metadata and natural language queries to explore all your data in one place.
Search your data using natural language
Level up your data curation process to easily find the most relevant and specific data for model development using natural language search and similarity search.
Inspect your data using metrics and custom metadata
Filter and slice large datasets using 40+ data metrics and explore by metadata to efficiently curate high quality data for AI model development.
Visualize & clean your datasets to improve AI model quality
Seamlessly visualize and clean your data to reduce data bias, edge-cases, and wasteful data to drive impactful improvements to model accuracy.
Visualize with Custom Embeddings Plots
Visually identify and inspect data outliers with embeddings plots. Find under-represented areas of your datasets and fill these gaps to ensure fair and balanced datasets.
Clean your data with Collections
Group and remove poor quality data from your dataset in a few clicks. Filter using metadata to create smart Collections, bulk classification and more to manage and enrich your data prior to annotation.
Connect your secure cloud storage, MLOps tools, and much more with dedicated integrations that slot seamlessly into your workflows.
Encord is SOC2, HIPAA, and GDPR compliant with robust security and encryption standards.
Leverage our API/SDK to programatically access projects, datasets & labels within the platform via API.
Our solution
How Encord fits into your AI workflow
Raw data
30% reduction in dataset size
Data management & curation
10x increase in speed
Labeling & human feedback
20% Improvement in mAP
Model Evaluation
AI Models
Model Prediction
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