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Unifying AI Data Toolstack: How to Streamline Your AI Workflows

October 16, 2024
5 mins
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With data becoming an indispensable asset for organizations, streamlining data processes is crucial for effective collaboration and decision-making. An online survey by Gartner found that 92% of businesses plan to invest in artificial intelligence (AI) tools worldwide.

While the modern data stack allows a company to use multiple tools for developing AI-based solutions, its lack of structure and complexity make it challenging to operate.

A more pragmatic approach is the unified data stack, which consolidates and integrates different platforms into a single framework. This method allows for scalability, flexibility, and versatility across multiple use cases.

In this article, we will discuss what a unified AI data tool stack is, its benefits, components, implementation steps, and more to help you unify your AI toolkit efficiently.

What is an AI Data Toolstack?

An AI data tool stack is a collection of frameworks and technologies that streamline the data life cycle from collection to disposal. It allows for efficient use of enterprise data assets, increasing the scalability and flexibility of AI initiatives.

graphic representation of security governance cycle

Data Lifecycle

Like a traditional tech stack, the AI data tool stack can consist of three layers: the application layer, model layer, and infrastructure layer.

  • Application Layer: The application layer sits at the top of the stack and comprises interfaces and tools that allow users to interact with a data platform. Its goal is to enable teams to make data-driven decisions using robust data analytics solutions. It can consist of dashboards, business intelligence (BI), and analytics tools that help users interpret complex data through intuitive visualizations.
  • Model Layer: This layer includes all the computing resources and tools required for preparing training data to build machine learning (ML) models. It can consist of popular data platforms for annotating and curating data. The layer may also offer a unified ecosystem that helps data scientists automate data curation with AI models for multiple use cases.
  • Infrastructure Layer: This layer forms the foundation of the AI data stack, which consists of data collection and storage solutions to absorb and pre-process extensive datasets. It can also include monitoring pipelines to evaluate data integrity across multiple data sources. Cloud-based data lakes, warehouses, and integration tools fall under the infrastructure layer.

Challenges of a Fragmented Data Tool Stack

Each layer of the AI data tool stack requires several tools to manage data for AI applications. Organizations can choose a fragmented tool stack with disparate solutions or a unified framework. However, managing a fragmented stack is more challenging. 

The list below highlights the issues associated with a fragmented solution.

  • Integration Issues: Integration between different tools can be challenging, leading to data flow and processing bottlenecks.
  • Poor Collaboration: Teams working on disparate tools can cause data inconsistencies due to poor communication between members.
  • Learning Curve: Each team must learn to use all the tools in the fragmented stack, making the training and onboarding process tedious and inefficient.
  • Tool Sprawl: A fragmented data tool stack can have multiple redundancies due to various tools serving the same purpose.
  • High Maintenance Costs: Maintaining a fragmented tool stack means developing separate maintenance procedures for each platform, which increases downtime and lowers productivity.

Due to these problems, organizations should adopt a unified platform to improve AI workflows.

Benefits of Unifying AI Data Tool Stack

A unified AI data tool stack can significantly improve data management and help organizations with their digital transformation efforts. The list below highlights a few benefits of unifying data platforms into a single framework.

  • Automation: Unified data tool stacks help automate data engineering workflows through extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines. The in-built validation checks ensure incoming data is clean and accurate, requiring minimal human effort.
  • Enhanced Data Governance: Data governance comprises policies and guidelines for using and accessing data across different teams. A unified tool stack offers an integrated environment to manage access and monitor compliance with established regulations.
  • Better Collaboration: Unifying data tools helps break data silos by allowing teams from different domains to use data from a single and shared source. It improves data interpretability and enables team members to distribute workloads more efficiently.
  • Reduced Need to Switch Between Tools: Users can perform data-related tasks on a single platform instead of switching between tools. This approach increases productivity and mitigates integration issues associated with different tools.


Components of an AI Data Tool Stack

Earlier, we discussed how the AI data tool stack consists of three layers, each containing diverse toolsets. The following sections offer more detail regarding the tool types an AI data stack may contain.

Data Collection and Ingestion Tools

Data collection and ingestion begin the data lifecycle. The ingestion tools help collect multiple data types, including text, images, videos, and other forms of structured data. They contain data connectors integrating various data sources with an enterprise data storage platform.

The process can take place in real time, where the tools continuously transfer a data stream into a storage repository. In contrast, if the information flow is significant, they may fetch information in batches at regular intervals.

ETL pipelines such as Talend and Apache NiFi help extract and transfer data to data lakehouses, data warehouses, or relational databases. These storage frameworks may include cloud-based solutions like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

Data Preprocessing and Transformation Pipelines

The model layer may contain data preprocessing and transformation tools that fix data format inconsistencies, outliers, and other anomalies in raw data. Such tools offer complex pipelines with built-in checks that compute several quality metrics.

They compare these metrics against predefined benchmarks and notify relevant teams if data samples do not meet the desired quality standards.

During this stage, transformation frameworks may apply aggregation, normalization, and segmentation techniques to make the data usable for model-building.

Data Annotation Platforms

As highlighted earlier, the model layer can also contain data annotation tools to label unstructured data such as images, text, and video footage.

Labeling platforms help experts prepare high-quality training data to build models for specific use cases. For example, image annotation platforms can help experts label images for computer vision (CV) tasks, including object detection, classification, and segmentation.

The tools offer multiple labeling techniques for different data types, such as bounding boxes, polygons, named entity recognition, and object tracking. Some providers offer solutions with AI-based labeling that help automate the annotation process.

In addition, annotation solutions can compute metrics to evaluate labeling quality. The function lets experts identify and resolve labeling errors before feeding data with incorrect labels to model-development pipelines.

Model Development Frameworks

After preparing the training data, the next stage involves building and deploying a model using relevant development frameworks.

These frameworks may include popular open-source ML libraries such as PyTorch and TensorFlow or more specialized tools for creating complex AI platforms.

The tools may also offer features to log model experiments and perform automated hyperparameter turning for model optimization.

Monitoring and Analytics Solutions

The next step includes tools for monitoring and analyzing data from the production environment after model deployment. These solutions help developers identify issues at runtime by processing customer data in real time.

For example, they may compute data distributions to detect data drift or bias and model performance metrics like accuracy and latency. They may also perform predictive analytics using ML algorithms to notify teams of potential issues before they occur.

Monitoring resource usage can also be a helpful feature of these tools. The functionality can allow developers to assess memory utilization, CPU usage, and workload distribution.

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How to Select Unified Tools?

Building a unified data tool stack requires organizations to invest in compatible tools that help them perform data management tasks efficiently. Below are a few factors to consider when choosing the appropriate tool for your use case.

  • Scalability: The tools must handle changing data volumes and allow enterprises to scale seamlessly according to business needs and customer expectations.
  • Functionality: Select frameworks that help you manage data across its entire lifecycle. They must offer advanced features to ingest, process, transform, and annotate multiple data types.
  • Ease of Use: Search for solutions with intuitive user interfaces, interactive dashboards, and visualizations. This will speed up the onboarding process for new users and allow them to use all the relevant features.
  • Security: Ensure the tools provide robust, industry-standard security protocols to protect data privacy. They must also have flexible access management features to allow relevant users to access desired data on demand.
  • Integration: Choose tools compatible with your existing IT infrastructure and data sources. You can find tools that offer comprehensive integration capabilities with popular data solutions.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Consider the upfront and maintenance costs of third-party tools and in-house frameworks. While in-house solutions provide more customizability, they are challenging to develop and may require the organization to hire an additional workforce.

Steps to Unify Data Tool Stack

Unifying a data tool stack can be lengthy and iterative, involving multiple stakeholders from different domains. The steps below offer some guidelines to streamline the unification process.

  1. Identify Gaps in Current Tool Usage: Start by auditing existing tools and identify redundancies and inefficiencies. For instance, it may be challenging to transfer raw data from a data repository to a modeling framework due to integration issues. You can assess how such situations impact productivity, collaboration, and data quality.
  2. Develop an AI Workflow: Define your desired AI workflow, including everything from the data collection phase to model deployment and production monitoring. This will help you identify the appropriate tools required for each stage in the workflow.
  3. Select the Required Tools: The earlier section highlighted the factors you must consider when choosing tools for your data stack. Ensure you address all those factors when building your tool stack.
  4. Integrate and Migrate: Integrate the new tool stack with your backend infrastructure and begin data migration. Schedule data transfer jobs during non-production hours to ensure the migration process does not disrupt existing operations.
  5. Monitor and Scale: After the migration, you can deploy monitoring tools to determine model and data quality using pre-defined key performance indicators (KPIs). If successful, you can scale the system by adding more tools and optimizing existing frameworks to meet growing demand.

Encord: A Unified Platform for Computer Vision

Encord is an end-to-end data-centric AI platform for managing, curating, annotating and evaluating large-scale datasets for CV tasks.

screenshot of Encord annotation platform


  • Encord Annotate: Includes basic and advanced features for labeling image data for multiple CV use cases.
  • Encord Active: Supports active learning pipelines for evaluating data quality and model performance.
  • Encord Index: A data management system, that allows AI teams to visualize, sort, and control their data

Key Features

  • Scalability: Encord lets you scale AI projects by supporting extensive datasets. You can also create multiple datasets to manage larger projects and upload up to 200,000 frames per video at a time.
  • Functionality: The platform consists of multiple features to filter and slice datasets in the Index Explorer and export for labeling in one click. It also supports deep search, filtering, and metadata analysis. You can also build nested relationship structures in your data schema to improve the quality of your model output.
  • Ease-of-Use: Encord offers an easy-to-use, no-code UI with powerful search functionality for quick data discovery. Users can provide queries in everyday language to search for images and use relevant filters for efficient data retrieval.
  • Data Security: The platform is compliant with major regulatory frameworks, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), System and Organization Controls 2 (SOC 2 Type 1), AICPA SOC, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards. It also uses advanced encryption protocols to protect data privacy.
  • Integrations: Encord lets you connect with your native cloud storage buckets and programmatically control data workflows. It offers advanced Python SDK and API to facilitate  easy export into JSON and COCO formats.

G2 Review

Encord has a rating of 4.8/5 based on 60 reviews. Users like the platform’s ontology feature, which helps them define categories for extensive datasets. In addition, its collaborative features and granular annotation tools help users improve annotation accuracy.

Unifying AI Data Tool Stack: Key Takeaways

With an effective AI data tool stack, organizations can boost the performance of their AI applications and adapt quickly to changing user expectations.

Below are a few critical points regarding a unified AI data tool stack.

  1. Benefits of an AI Data Tool Stack: A unified framework helps organizations automate data-related workflows, improve data governance, unify data silos, and reduce context-switching.
  2. Components of an AI Data Tool Stack: Components correspond to each stage of the data lifecycle and include tools for data ingestion, pre-processing, transformation, annotation, and monitoring.
  3. Encord for Computer Vision: Encord is an end-to-end CV data platform that offers a unified ecosystem for curating, annotating, and evaluating  unstructured data, including images and videos.


  1. What is Unified Data Analytics?

Unified data analytics integrates all aspects of data processing to deliver data-driven insights from analyzing extensive datasets.

  1. Why is unified data essential?

Organizations can automate data workflows, increase collaboration, and enhance data governance with a unified data framework.

  1. How do unified data analytics tools create actionable insights?

Unified data analytics consolidates the data ingestion, pre-processing, and transformation stages into a single workflow, making data usable for model-building and complex analysis.

  1. What are the best practices for integrating AI tools into a unified data tool stack?

Best practices include identifying gaps in the existing tool stack, establishing data governance, and implementing monitoring solutions to evaluate the system’s efficiency.

  1. How can integrating AI tools improve data management across different business units?

The integration allows different business units to get consistent data from multiple sources. They can quickly share and use the standardized data from various domains to conduct comprehensive analyses.

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Written by

Haziqa Sajid

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