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All the tools you need to build better models, faster

Encord is the leading data development platform for computer vision & multimodal AI teams. Intelligently manage, clean and curate data, streamline your labeling and workflow management, and evaluate model performance.

Trusted by pioneering AI teams

The complete data development platform for AI model development

Unlock the potential of AI for your organization. Streamline your data-centric AI pipelines to build better models and deploy high-quality production AI, faster.

anotate vector


Scale and accelerate labeling workflows and teams.

annotation types

Supporting your labeling needs

Efficiently label any computer vision modality across image, video, medical imagery, or geospatial data and choose from a variety of tools to meet your annotation needs.








Synthetic-aperture radar



coming soon

One-click automated labels

Customizable workflows, automated pipelines

Streamlining data operations

Monitor team and annotator performance with actionable dashboards to ensure training data quality.

Increase labelling efficiency

Integrate active learning workflows to identify and label the data that boosts model performance.

On-demand expert labeling services

Access thousands of expert labelers to scale your projects without compromising data quality.

active vector


Monitor, troubleshoot, and evaluate your models.

Find & fix data issues with ease

Build robust models with powerful error analysis

Fine-tune foundational models

Fine-tune foundation models to automate annotation on just a handful of labels without compromising on quality.

Evaluate model performance

Deconstruct model performance with automatic reporting on metrics like mAP, mAR, and F1 Score.

Understand model blind spots

Effortlessly uncover model edge-cases, underperforming clusters, underrepresented classes and more.

curate vector


Understand and manage your data.

Explore your data 
with ease

Boost model performance 
 with the right data

Support for all

key visual formats

Monitor team and annotator performance with actionable dashboards to ensure training data quality.

Integrate your data pipelines, 

hassle free

Integrate active learning workflows to identify and label the data that boosts model performance.

Advanced filtering options

Filter data by brightness, RGB, contrast and many more visual quality metrics to curate more effective datasets to power your models.


What our clients say

It’s always about balancing speed and quality. A lot of platforms prioritize speed over quality or quality over speed. Encord speeds up annotation while still allowing for strong quality control.

Camilla Gilchrist

Operations Director


We plan on leveraging Encord to expand the range of use cases and include more medical conditions in our solutions… We are excited about our potential with Encord and look forward to seeing how we will evolve together in the future.

Maayan Gerbi

Clinical AI Specialist


We now have an integrated, one-stop solution where we can manage our data and also understand our model performance to create feedback mechanisms to improve data and models.

Prajwal Kotamraju

Head of CV


Encord’s DICOM annotation tool captures the shape of the pathology, interpolating the label on the slices the annotators skipped. In a case with 100 slices, annotators only have to label about 30 images.

Dr. Ryan Mason



Using Encord’s platform, we were able to train our new models on much better datasets with much higher quality labels, reducing our false acceptance rate to only one percent.

Jeffrey Siaw

VP of Data Science


... we know we can do that (annotate 100 hours of videos in four months) with Encord because of the whole process that we have, which compared to what we had before, it would be one procedure every two months even, much slower.

Margaux Masson-Forsythe

Director of Machine Learning


Before, using clinicians to annotate precancerous polyp videos had prohibitively high costs because of the large number of datasets needed to train the model. With Encord, we annotated the data over six times faster than using traditional methods.


Consultant Gastroenterologist



Integrate seamlessly with your toolstack

Connect your secure cloud storage, MLOps tools, and much more with dedicated integrations that slot seamlessly into your workflows.


Built with security in mind

Encord is SOC2, HIPAA, and GDPR compliant with robust security and encryption standards.


Developer-friendly for easy access

Leverage our API/SDK to programatically access projects, datasets & labels within the platform via API.

Take control of your ML pipeline with Encord

Forget fragmented workflows, annotation tools, and Notebooks for building AI applications. Encord's Data Development platform accelerates every step of taking your model into production.