Outlier detection

Encord Computer Vision Glossary

Outlier detection in computer vision refers to the process of identifying data points or objects that are significantly different from the majority of data points in a given dataset or image. Outliers can be caused by a variety of factors such as sensor noise, errors in image acquisition or processing, or the presence of unusual objects in the scene.

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In computer vision, outlier detection is often used in applications such as object detection, image segmentation, and anomaly detection. For example, in object detection, outlier detection can be used to identify objects that do not fit the expected size, shape, or color of the objects of interest. In image segmentation, outlier detection can be used to identify regions of the image that do not belong to any of the pre-defined classes or clusters.

There are several approaches to outlier detection in computer vision, including statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and deep learning models. Statistical methods involve calculating various statistical measures such as mean, standard deviation, or median of the data and identifying data points that fall outside of a specified range. Machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) or Random Forests can be trained on labeled data to identify outliers. Deep learning models such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be trained to learn the features of normal data and identify outliers based on the deviations from the learned features.

Overall, outlier detection is an important task in computer vision as it enables the identification and removal of noise and anomalies in the data, leading to more accurate and reliable results in various computer vision applications.

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